Associate V Partners

These are senior leaders who oversee the development activities of specific regions in the market.

Each AVP is responsible for certain regions, making sure that there is correct accountability, opportunities for growth. They play an important part in large-scale events and tours, holding the region together.

Associate V Partner

Aditya Sarvjeet Bhalla

“This industry chose me — I did not make the choice. When you are hungry, when you are ready, things happen.”


Associate V Partner

Ahmed Hamza

AVP Ahmed Hamza is known to have altered the standard in the African market.


Associate V Partner

Ainash Zhumadilova

Associate V Partner

Arpit Malik

Associate V Partner

Asha Krishnan

Before QNET, Asha was a stay-at-home mother of two beautiful girls, as well as a fitness instructor.


Associate V Partner

Ayoub Samimirad


Associate V Partner

Balajee Kumar

AVP Balajee Kumar has been part of the company since 2001. Whenever he visits markets across the globe, he proudly represents The V’s vision, which is to serve, and transfer knowledge and experience to others.


Associate V Partner

Bharathy Ganeshanantham

Through grit and guidance, AVP Bharathy Ganeshanantham was able turn her early struggles as a networker around and eventually achieve her biggest dreams — proving everyone who doubted her wrong.


Associate V Partner

Brijesh Yadav & Yashu Tyagi

Associate V Partner

Dahmouni Abdelghani

Associate V Partner

Dauren Issabayev

Even after ten years in the business, AVP Dauren Issabayev isn’t slowing down in his journey towards achieving his dreams. He believes that time passes by faster when a person works towards his goals of success.


Associate V Partner

Devaraj Jeevaratnam

Much like many others, AVP Devaraj Jeevaratnam was pursuing the corporate life before entering the world of networking marketing.


Associate V Partner

Digvijay Singh

When AVP Digvijay Singh started in 2010, he wasn’t sure if he was cut out for network marketing. But as he focused on learning more about the business without prejudice, he started to understand what the journey truly meant.


Associate V Partner

Dr. Ferry Ruskim & Cynthia Nilam

For AVP Cynthia Nilam and Dr. Ferry Ruskim, being in this journey is like taking care of a family. No matter what the challenges they face, they face it together.


Associate V Partner

Dr. Hossam Ibraheem

AVP Dr. Hossam Ibraheem made his most life-changing decision in August of 2009 when he began his network marketing journey.


Associate V Partner

Fofana Amaral

At first glance, AVP Fofana is just a normal guy living an ordinary life but once you get to know him better, you will soon realise that he is nothing short of an amazing person and a good leader!


Associate V Partner

Girinder Sharma

Graduating from a Hotel Management School in Singapore and earning his qualification as a lawyer, AVP Giri truly has had a journey worth admiring.


Associate V Partner

Gita ‘Tobing’ Hartanto

AVP Gita ‘Tobing’ Hartanto said that The V has taught him to be selfless. Being selfless does not mean that you forget your own needs. Rather, it’s about making yourself available and of service to others.


Associate V Partner

Hameed Khazaal Ghailan

To lead by example has been AVP Hameed Khazaal Ghailan’s mantra since he joined The V and QNET in 2006.


Associate V Partner

Iman Miraoui

Associate V Partner

Jawad Ali

When one talks about passion and motivation, it isn’t hard to remember the name of Associate V Partner Jawad Ali.


Associate V Partner

Khurshed Ashurov

“Success is not destination. It is a journey.”


Associate V Partner

Lalith Madawala

Associate V Partner

Manoj Narayanan

Network marketing is a far cry from AVP Manoj Narayanan’s background as a Hotel Management major. His decision to begin the journey was based primarily on his trust in his good old friend, Arun George.


Associate V Partner

Marwan Talodi

AVP Marwan Talodi believes that family is what you make it. He considers The V as a family that teaches the true meaning of life and success.


Associate V Partner

Mohamad Amir Al Baghdadi

Associate V Partner

Mohamed Eman

Associate V Partner

Mohammed Naeem

Associate V Partner

Mohsen Samimirad

Since joining this industry in 2006, AVP Mohsen Samimirad asserts that he has changed for the better, thanks to the business.


Associate V Partner

Nasib B.R.

AVP Nasib, a civil engineer by degree, was later working as a software engineering professional in a multinational company in South India. He was searching for other opportunities for additional income, amongst his peers, colleagues and collegemates, but most of the ideas were either not workable or feasible to make it a reality. Fortunately, a college senior of his, offered the QNET and The V business opportunity to him back in 2006.


Associate V Partner

Neeraj Raghunand


Associate V Partner



Associate V Partner

Omar Alhallak


Associate V Partner

Perminderjit Singh

“I was introduced into the business by VP Ranjit [while] I was doing another networking program,” said Associate V Partner Perm as he recalled his first brush with QNET, back in 1999.


Associate V Partner

Pubudu Perusinghe

“Build to last, stronger than before.” AVP Pubudu Perusinghe perceives success from a new perspective every single day. “It must be part of our growth to change and reach for bigger goals.”


Associate V Partner

Rosli Ismail

“Convince yourself before [you] convince others.” Associate V Partner Rosli gives this advice to networkers because he had experienced this upon being introduced to the industry.


Associate V Partner

Saeed Mohammadi


Associate V Partner

Said Amir

AVP Said Amir considers himself as a results-oriented person and a solution-provider. “People follow solution providers [and] not complainers,” he said.


Associate V Partner

Sanu Sarweswaran Sreedevi

Associate V Partner

Shallu Tyagi

Associate V Partner

Shamseer Kareem

Associate V Partner

Shipra Neeraj

“Network marketing opened doors I never knew existed,” says AVP Shipra Neeraj.


Associate V Partner

Suraj Ranasinghe

The V has been AVP Suraj Ranasinghe’s source of energy in his networking life. Just like how electricity gives a light bulb its life, The V gave AVP Suraj guidance especially in the darkest moments of his career.


Associate V Partner

Suresh Perumal

As the eldest son in a family of six, many were skeptical when AVP Suresh Perumal took the bold decision to join QNet - leaving behind the comforts of his job as a Senior Telecommunications Engineer.


Associate V Partner

Sylla Youssouf

Associate V Partner

Sylla Zoumana


Associate V Partner

Tri Hartono

Successful people are just ordinary people, but they have extraordinary thoughts and actions. When everyone is sleeping, we have to wake up first. When everyone is awake, we have to stand up right away. When everyone is standing, we have to run and take the chances that come our way.


Associate V Partner

Vasu & Renuka Reddy

It was AVP Vasu who invited AVP Renuka to join The V Family. Since then, this couple has made waves in their network. As a married couple and business partners, their support for each other in their work is what led them to each other’s success.


Associate V Partner

Willie Martinez

AVP Willie Martinez is the epitome of what we call ‘the strong silent type’. Many people call him ‘Silence’ for his soft demeanor, but little do they know that he can’t last a day without interacting with his co-leaders and uplines. “For me, it’s not a beautiful day when I don’t get to talk to them,” he said.


Associate V Partner

Yasir Khamis

For AVP Yasir Khamis, The V is his life. A life is something that you build. It is something you cherish thus, making sure you do everything necessary to have a full and happy one.