Associate V Partner

Perminderjit Singh

“I was introduced into the business by VP Ranjit [while] I was doing another networking program,” said Associate V Partner Perm as he recalled his first brush with QNET, back in 1999.



He was already a manager in Maxis, the telecommunications company, after acquiring a degree in Electrical Engineering and a Masters in Project Management. With his credentials, he perceived the amazing possibilities in our business, and decided to join The V Family. It has been a long and fruitful road for him since then.

To this day his biggest accomplishments revolve around his people. When asked what he is most proud of in his business: “When my people get to quit their jobs and become full-time [networkers] – financially free – so they no longer have to be [caged] in the job environment. [When] they have a much better quality of life.” And for this, he continues to champion this cause as Associate V Partner. “I want to help many, many more people… in many countries… quit their jobs, become full-time, and become free.”

In order to do so, AVP Perm suggests a simple formula for networking success: “Consistency. And consistency.”