Associate V Partner

Suraj Ranasinghe

The V has been AVP Suraj Ranasinghe’s source of energy in his networking life. Just like how electricity gives a light bulb its life, The V gave AVP Suraj guidance especially in the darkest moments of his career.



In this great exchange of power, he has found that The V and himself are one; they are both solid in the goal to live up to The V’s mission and vision.

“[To] improve myself means [to] improve The V,” and in this display of passion and dedication, he has committed to bring The V to greater heights this year and in the coming years. His perpetual devotion to The V has shaped the many things he has achieved. It has given him the ability to identify the next adventure ahead. As he continues in this ride, he takes with him the strength that The V has bestowed and uses it as a driving force to be the victor in this conquest of network marketing. The V has provided the drive he has and this is a success story that will surely last decades.