V Partner

Sachin Gupta & Kavita Sugandh

VP Sachin Gupta and VP Kavita Sugandh’s journey began when they joined The V Family in 2008. Since then, they have experienced many rejections and challenges along the way. This power couple persevered and through their hard work, overcame their hurdles, and exceeded expectations.



“There is no substitute for hard work.” This is the mantra that got VP Sachin and VP Kavita through the many challenges and rejections they faced when they started. The couple knew that network marketing wasn’t a get-rich-quick scheme; just like their old traditional jobs, they knew they would be facing challenges and they had no time to cry about their problems.

“It’s the person’s character that decides if they will run away, or stand tall and not move from their decision,” VP Kavita shares about facing challenges in this business. “I am not a quitter. I wanted to prove myself. I wanted to prove to the world that my decision to do this is right. If I didn’t see rejections and failures, I would not be here today.”

VP Sachin echoes the same sentiments, “You can never succeed without hard work. I learned that what you become depends on the process you’ve taken.” VP Sachin’s dreams kept him from giving up on his journey. “I wasn’t ready to give up, I wanted change. So, I kept moving forward with everything I’ve learned. Don’t limit yourself from what you can do for our dreams and for the network.”

As V Partners, VP Sachin and VP Kavita both want to reach out to more networkers and give them a platform to become the best they could be. “We just want to help create more success stories,” VP Sachin said.