Associate V Partner

Rosli Ismail

“Convince yourself before [you] convince others.” Associate V Partner Rosli gives this advice to networkers because he had experienced this upon being introduced to the industry.



Prior to network marketing, he had a thriving business in the hotel industries for 18 years as a director of catering and convention. He had his own reservations with QNET, hearing the negative press against the industry, but when he took the plunge in 2000, he never looked back.

“Never give up and keep on [believing].” He also gives this advice because he lived with this formula. After attending the Fact Training in 2001, he decided to live for his dream of succeeding big, and along with him his team GenGold and his downlines. Now, even his family that once could not understand his business is “amazed with his progress”. For him, a “passionate leader” sets a team apart from the rest of the herd – a mentor who keeps his or her members’ dreams in mind and helps them achieve it together.

Even as an Associate V Partner he remains a servant-leader; one of his proudest personal achievements was being honoured the title Crew Chief of the Core InService Brotherhood.